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The confusion about email marketing ends here.

In its place there’s solid evidence that proves you cannot afford to ignore this powerful marketing tool.

And in this brief introduction I’m going to show you some of the latest research.

In 2011 there were 3.1 billion email accounts.

By 2016 there will be 4.3 billion accounts.

These predictions are from the people who provide the infrastructure on the way the internet runs.

People like Cisco, EMG, and VM Ware.

All these companies are investing in the future of the internet.

If they make mistakes they are out of business.

Even though Email was invented forty five years ago it is still growing. We will see it expand by 40% in the next four years.

Okay what about social media?

For every 250 million tweets a day and one billion Facebook updates a day, there are at least 294 billion emails sent every day.

And we haven’t even touched on spam emails!

What that means is for every Facebook post there are 300 times as many emails going out.

So it’s easy to see that email is the 900lb gorilla, while Twitter and Facebook and the chimpanzees.

Did you know since 2011 there’s been a 30% increase in email users that find the contents of their inbox more and more interesting?

How about these statistics.

The number of people signing up to receive email content has risen by 12% a year over the last few years.

This year more than 35% more marketing emails were sent than last year.

Open rates have increased by 22%.

All of this means that 33% more traffic is being sent to websites through email marketing.

Now you’re beginning to see why more companies are focusing more of their time and money on email marketing.

It’s obvious even to the untrained eye that emails lead to higher profits.

But consider this…

7% of people online are following businesses on twitter.

45% liked a business on Facebook.

But a staggering 94% signed up for at least one business email.

Twice as many people prefer business communication through email than Facebook.

And fourteen times more people prefer to deal with a business through email than twitter.

Agora publishing, one of the top businesses online doesn’t even use social media.

And their turnover exceeds $600 million a year!

In the UK at least 85% of consumers have signed up for five business emails.

But get this, 39% invite more than 10 business emails a week!

What does that tell you?

Email is like a drug for most people. It’s becoming more and more addictive as time goes on.

In a recent survey 77% said they prefer to hear from businesses by emails rather than social media.

Direct mail was a distant second at 9%. SMS (text) was 5% and Facebook was trailing with a pathetic 4%.

And to complete the picture twitter was 1% as were mobile apps. And Linkedin got 0%.

Knowing this, do you still want to spend your hard earned marketing money on direct mail… text messaging, social media or mobile apps?

While you’re making your decision ponder this.

33% of UK consumers hate social media.

And this trend is rising!

Let me ask you this… can you really afford to ignore one third of your audience?

Okay, let’s be frank here.

There is a downside with email marketing.

And that’s SPAM.

Spam rules are changing all the time.

This can make it difficult to get your message past spam filters unless you follow specific guidelines.

But why wouldn’t you, if you’re selling a legitimate product or service?

What else can make email marketing hard work?

Well, statistics show the average corporate user gets 112 email messages a day.

That means you’ve got to constantly up your game in order to get your emails opened.

That’s what this book is all about.

I know I’ve pretty much trashed social media here, but the truth is it does play a vital role in your email campaigns.

Where you can integrate both for maximum effect.

When I originally wrote this article 90% of people read emails on computers and only 10% on mobile devices.

now in 2024 this is the opposite.

10% read their emails on laptops and 90% read on their mobile devices.

So there you have it.

Proof that emails are the future.

Who says so?

The people who read your emails.

If you write them in a way that shows you understand them.

Understanding the people you're writing to is at least 41% of your success. (Almost half.)
The best way to understand your avatar is here...
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