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In any marketing campaign 41% of your success comes from choosing the right audience for your business.
39% comes from the offer. And only 20% comes from the creative (copy and images).

If you write to the wrong audience you may as well be talking to the wall.

If you make the wrong offer to the right audience you may as well be talking to yourself.

But if you make the right offer to the right audience at the right time – now you’re talking!

I use proven AI prompts to research your ideal audience so you get to know thier pains, frustations, and desires.

In other words, if you can articulate their problems better than they can they automaticall believe you have the best solution.

When know your ideal audience your message impacts them on a deep emotional level.

Understanding Your Buyer

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Is Your Website an Asset?

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If you are looking for a talented copywriter or some smart marketing ideas for your business, Clive is your man!

“Clive is a one-off kind of person who has a remarkably deep knowledge and expertise surrounding web copywriting. I went on his seminar the other night and was amazed by his insight, ideas and practical tips on how to turn your website into a more effective selling machine.
I strongly recommend him.”

James SaleBest-selling Author of Mapping Motivation

“Clive Cable is one of the country’s smartest copywriters. His ability to come up with a unique angle on just about any topic amazes me. The term “creative genius” is often overused, but not with Clive. If you are looking for a talented copywriter or some smart marketing ideas for your business, Clive is your man!”

Barry Dunlop.Sales turnaround expert at

“Clive has been teaching me very advanced skills of persuasion that allows me to maximize my sales and the response rates of my clients.
I'm grateful Clive chose me to work with.”

Christine MarlowDirect Response Copywriter - direct mail and lead gen specialist.
David Aston
Quality Work

Clive is an impressive man. His writing will make you money.

“This guy's a complete star when it comes to explaining how to write effective copy for Direct Response marketing, E-mail marketing and Web marketing!
It is quite staggering who he has studied and what he has achieved in this field. After each of our sessions I was completely blown away!

Thoroughly recommended!”

Adrian StephensonFreelance PPC and maestro of creating profitable Pay Per Click marketing campaigns.

“Clive Cable is a master of persuasion.
The first thing I read from Clive had me racing down the page in excitement, glued to every word... and I found myself clicking the order button, not fully aware until after I hit the order page.

Clearly, I needed to know what made Clive's effective Jedi Mind Tricks so influential.
And that journey of discovery has changed my life.
They've boosted my income.
And opened my eyes to aspects of human nature I never imagined existed.
Clive is an impressive man. His writing will make you money. If you need to sell anything, Clive Cable is your guy.”

Kevin DawsonCopy Chief. Financial Copywriter. And email marketing manager for brands doing $700k - $2 million annually.

“Before Working with Clive my copywriting on my website was below average.
When I started working with Clive he had a step by step process to help me upgrade and dial in my messaging on my website which resulted in me filling my program and increasing my sales.
Clive was fun to work with and provided great insight to think differently about copywriting.
I would recommend him if you are looking to take your copy and business to the next level.”

Ruth WilsonOnline course creator.

“Has an email ever saved your life?

Well, Clive's email did save my life.

OK, maybe I'm a little too dramatic, but that's how I felt when I received his email asking me if I needed help getting clients.

I had been working for months without being able to land my first gig.

When he received my desperate cry for help, he scheduled a call on Skype and little did I know it was the beginning of my successful career.

He gave me some precious advice on how to improve my copywriting (which worked great because you're still reading) and I was able to sign my first contract a week later.

What makes it special working with Clive is, he doesn't just give you the course and leaves you on your own. He guides you through and makes sure you apply it AND get your dream results.

If quality is your keyword, then Clive is the person you are looking for.”

Barinthia Scarlett.Digital Marketing Strategist and copywriter.

He is one of the best copywriting and marketing experts I've ever come across

“Clive has an encyclopaedic knowledge of copywriting and marketing.
He is generous with his time and experience and is always willing to help and advise. I have worked with Clive on several projects and have found him to be reliable, enthusiastic and professional in his approach.”

Ivor Murray.Owner Meditations Ltd.

“Simply put, Clive is a first-rate master copywriter. The way he creatively crafts his words on paper (or the screen) draws people's attention in and gets results! Clive's talents go well beyond writing too - as he is a student of many subject matters and has studied under many of the great marketers, speakers and copywriters. Plus, Clive is a witty, sharp, and kind man to boot! I recommend you speaking with Clive about what he can offer you and your company - you'll no doubt glean new knowledge during the process! :)”

Bethany Splide.Entrepreneur, visionary former pro athlete.

“My first interaction with Clive was wonderful. In our first conversation I realized that I'm talking to a veteran copywriter who has years of experience and a huge amount of knowledge of persuasion, copywriting and marketing. He is one of the best copywriting and marketing experts I've ever come across. Clive is from a unique breed of advertisers who believe in talking less and doing more.”

Hamzah QutubInhouse Lawyer at Minerva studios private limited.

As a conversion rate optimization consultant, I often need someone to work with who can help me produce web copy that converts.
I have worked with Clive on several occasions now, and he never fails to deliver.

Once, I referred a client to him (an internet marketer with a well-known product) and Clive was able to create the video sales copy within two days.
When I read the copy it was absolutely spot-on - the language was uncomplicated, the copy was concise and very compelling.

What I most appreciate about Clive as a copywriter is the fact that he really takes the needed time to understand your market and your audience. Well that and the fact that he's always learning about marketing, copywriting, salesmanship, business, always improving himself and his craft.

When I need any help with copywriting, it's very reassuring to know that Clive is on my speed dial (and you should, too)!

Saying all this though, I don't just vouch for Clive's copywriting skills. As long as I have known Clive, I have witnessed him generously and selflessly give his time, his knowledge, skills, insights, leadership, wisdom and experience to anybody who asks for it.

Trustworthy, generous, caring, authentic and reliable, Clive has become a colleague, a mentor, a coach and a treasured friend to me and other entrepreneurs in our mastermind circle. If you need copywriting help, highly recommend you work with Clive!

Marg Galangco.Copywriter. Content Marketer and digital marketing strategist.

Clive’s insights went far beyond the “benefits vs. features” tactics common to most copywriting instruction.

“Clive is a master salesman – both in person and in the written word (online and in print). I've never met anyone as well read in the field of selling and copywriting as him.

One of his direct mail sales letters got a 24% response rate and bought him a five-bedroom farmhouse in Dorset, England.

If he lets you hire him, then snap him up before your competitor does. He'll make you a LOT of money.

He's also a very decent human being, a rarity in the world of business.”

Eldo Barkhuizen.Arrow write. Money Making emails.

“When I received an email promoting a copywriting class with Clive Cable, I was intrigued. But I wondered if the time and money would be worth it.

In the end, I looked at it as an investment to increase my value to my clients and my business. So I took the plunge.

I was not disappointed. Far from it.

Clive’s insights went far beyond the “benefits vs. features” tactics common to most copywriting instruction. We delved into new areas of study that I never even knew existed. Now I’m using them to my advantage every day.

He was also generous with his time, knowledge and resources. I still can’t believe how many copywriting secrets he shared.

Bottom line: Clive delivers. If you study with him -- or even just take his advice -- be prepared to enjoy your new smarts, savvy and skill.”

Laime Rastikis.Writing for Business & Government. Online Content. Marketing Communication Strategy. Project Management.

“I wasn't at all sure I was doing the right thing in getting involved with Clive's MasterMind group! Having read a number of self help business books, done some training courses and never having been able to put any of it into practice effectively I wasn't convinced this would be any different!

The MasterMind group is a really supportive way of learning - we are a group of people who are in the same business and are effectively struggling with the same issues. We are only half way through and Clive has already demonstrated that he really does understand our business. He has been able to show us how our current approach puts people off rather than intrigues them. His, knowledge of how people behave, his huge range of techniques and the way he pushes us to think have already given us insight into changes that we can easily make.

Sessions are full of humour alongside personal challenges and accountability. I am now convinced!”

Gillian Wilson.Course Coordinator Berkshire Training Services.

In any marketing campaign 41% of your success comes from choosing the right audience for your business.

39% comes from the offer.

And only 20% comes from the creative (copy & images).

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