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Imagine having the insights to know exactly what your customers want before they do.

You might think you have a copywriting problem.

But in reality, you have a “knowledge of your prospect” problem.

And I’m going to prove that to you right here right now.

When it comes to your message if you don’t know – really know – who is reading it and why, then it may as well be written in Chinese.

Consider this.

When the father of modern advertising – David Ogilvy – was tasked to sell the luxury car Rolls Royce to the American market he spoke to the engineers who built the car.

Those engineers knew what buyers of Rolls Royce wanted more than anything else.

The feeling of luxury as they drove the car.

One of the hallmarks of luxury was the quietness of the car.

And the fact it was fitted with an electric clock.

A rarity back in the ‘60’s.

David Ogilvy wrote this headline…

Rolls Royce Silver Spur

Those words sold two billion dollars worth of Rolls Royce cars.

Or take legendary John Carlton’s “one legged golfer ad” that was a huge success.

Through research John discovered a golfer who only had one leg but could hit the ball further than most pro golfers.

The exact amount of money made by John Carlton’s “one-legged golfer ad” is not publicly known.

However, the ad is known to have generated millions of dollars in sales.

When I ran my own mail-order business, I knew my customers were middle aged women who were afraid of losing their health.

My best headline was…

“Read This or Die Young!”

I went from $11,000 a month to $33,000 a month on the strength of tapping into my customers deep emotions.

Taylor Swift’s net worth is said to be around $1.1 billion.

She even has a name for her followers.

She calls them “Swifties.”

Do you think she would have this much success without knowing her audience?

How about Oprah Winfrey?

Her net worth is said to be around $3.76 billion.

Her audience are known as “Oprah’s Fans.”

The legendary Dame Edna called her audience “Possums.”

Celebrities who succeed at this level understand their audience better than their audience understand themselves.

They become “thought leaders” to their people.

And their audience hangs on their every word.

Business owners have the same effect when they hire professionals to write their sales copy.

They never write from their own experience, they write from their readers’ experience therefore they get results others never get.

And those results make millions for their clients.

If you’ve ever heard of the Delphic Oracle you’l know there’s a sign above his door that says, “Know thyself.”

In business we would change that to “Know thy customer” if we want higher conversions.

All high converting sales copy comes from researching your customers’ problems, hopes and dreams.

But where to start?

Traditionally you’d go where your prospects are.

  • You could go and meet up and talk to them.
  • You could send them a survey with half a dozen questions.
  • Or read what people say in Facebook groups.
  • Or read their comments on Amazon reviews.
  • Or you could go to forums.

Alternatively, you could outsource your customer research.

If you were to recruit an outside agency to interview your buyers, you’d pay between $150 – $200 per interview.

And to get anything good enough to use you’ll need at least six interviews.

In addition to the agency fee, you’ll be asked to pay each person an incentive fee that ranges from $100 – $300 for a 30-minute phone interview.

At a bare minimum 6 x 150 + 6 x 100 = $1,500.00

If you do all these things, you’ll be able to write really good sales copy.

AI can scan the internet and find answers you need in seconds.

It is now a highly valued research tool.

But it does need the right direction.

And that direction is known as “Prompt Engineering.”

That means with the right prompt AI can give you insights about your prospects that make it possible to write high converting sales copy.

Transforming a mediocre message to a money message.

Why trust me?

I’ve taken thirty advanced training courses on Chat GPT and have 34 years of sales copywriting experience.

Because of this I’ve been able to find a method to leverage AI for unparalleled customer insights.

One I call “Buyer Expert” that can give anyone in any business an unfair advantage when it comes to writing sales copy that converts.

Buyer Expert gives you…

These buying insights give you a complete Empathy Map of your buyer’s mind.

They give you all the information you need to write your new sales copy effortlessly.

They give you all the information you need to write your new sales copy effortlessly.


Concerns about AI?

Think of it as a powerful tool, like getting a precise health diagnosis.

It’s not about replacing humans it’s about maximising your ability to understand and serve your customers better.

Buyer Expert gives you the insights you need to write high-converting copy by revealing what your customers truly think and feel.

It uncovers your customers’ deepest desires, frustrations, and needs, allowing you to craft sales messages that convert.

No more guesswork — just powerful, targeted, high converting copy.

Buyer Expert can do all this for you in a fraction of the time it would take you to research on your own.

And it allows you to do the things your good at, like writing copy about your offer.

It enables you to add the humanness into your copy.

With Buyer Expert you’ll have the same unfair advantage top copywriters have.

That’s when you get those higher conversions.

Think of it as building a better buyer.

A long-term loyal buyer.

High-converting sales copy can bring in twenty times your investment.

If you invest $2,000, you could see $40,000 in return.

What other investment offers that kind of ROI?

When I first looked at pricing this, I thought $150.00 would be fair.

But then on further reflection I wanted to make this available to as many business owners as possible.

And I didn’t want price to be an issue.

Even at £50.00 it would still be affordable.

But in the end, I decided on givinfg it away free.

And for that you get a complete breakdown of what your customers biggest

  • frustrations
  • pain points
  • objections
  • desires
  • and dream outcomes

so you can put together sales copy that impacts your readers to buy from you.

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