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People Will Buy From You Just Because You Can Understand Their Problem and Say it Back to Them Better Than They Could Explain it to Themselves.

Buyer Expert.


Age Range: 30-50.

Brief Description: Tech-savvy professionals who left corporate jobs to start their own businesses. They’re driven by the desire for freedom and passion in their work but struggle with the realities of entrepreneurship, particularly in marketing and sales.

Core Problem:
Inability to consistently acquire new clients, leading to financial instability and threatening their dream of entrepreneurial freedom.

Symptoms of Problem:

  1. Irregular income patterns causing stress and uncertainty
  2. Working longer hours than desired, often on tasks they dislike (marketing/sales)
  3. Constantly worrying about where the next client will come from
  4. Neglecting core business operations due to focus on client acquisition
  5. Feeling trapped between their old corporate job and their struggling business

Emotional Impact of Problem:

  • Anxiety about financial stability and business viability
  • Disappointment and self-doubt about entrepreneurial abilities
  • Frustration with the gap between their vision and reality
  • Fear of having to return to corporate life and admitting failure
  • Overwhelm from wearing too many hats in the business


Motivation Triggers:

  1. Approaching the two-year mark in business with little progress
  2. Realizing they’re working more hours for less money than in their corporate job
  3. Missing important family events due to work commitments
  4. Seeing peers succeed in similar ventures
  5. Receiving a job offer that tempts them to abandon their entrepreneurial dream

Emotional Costs:

  • Chronic stress leading to health issues and burnout
  • Deep-seated regret and resentment towards their decision to start a business
  • Loss of self-confidence and entrepreneurial spirit
  • Depression from feeling trapped in a failing venture

Magic Genie Transformation:


Overnight, our prospect’s business transforms.

They wake up to a steady stream of high-quality, pre-qualified leads.

Their calendar is filled with calls from ideal clients eager to work with you.

You have a waitlist of potential customers, allowing them to be selective.

Their revenue has tripled, and they’re working just 20 hours a week, focusing solely on the aspects of the business they love.

They’ve hired a small, efficient team to handle operations, marketing, and sales.

Their business is known as the go-to solution in their niche, with glowing testimonials pouring in daily.


Other Solutions:

What Our Prospects Tried in the Past (5 Different Solutions):

  1. DIY marketing efforts (social media, content creation)
  2. Hiring freelancers for occasional marketing tasks
  3. Attending networking events and conferences
  4. Investing in online courses about marketing and sales
  5. Cold calling and email outreach campaigns

Conversational Soundbites About Failed Past Solutions:

“I spent hours on social media, but it just felt like shouting into the void.”

“Those freelancers were a waste of money. They didn’t understand my business at all.”

“Networking events are exhausting. I always feel like I’m just collecting business cards that end up in the trash.”

“I’ve got a digital shelf full of marketing courses I never finished. They all promise the world but deliver nothing.”

“Cold calling makes me feel like a sleazy salesperson. I’d rather stick needles in my eyes.”

Popular Solutions in The Market Right Now:

  1. AI-powered marketing automation tools
  2. Influencer marketing partnerships
  3. Paid advertising on social media platforms
  4. Content marketing and SEO strategies
  5. Virtual networking and online community building


Biggest Objections to Those Solutions:

  1. “AI tools are too complicated and impersonal for my business.”
  2. “Influencers are too expensive and might not align with my brand.”
  3. “I’ve heard horror stories about people wasting thousands on ads with no results.”
  4. “Content marketing takes too long to see results. I need clients now.”
  5. “Online networking feels fake. How can I build real relationships virtually?”

Ideal Solution:

A done-for-you marketing system that guarantees a steady stream of qualified leads and new clients every month.

This system requires minimal time investment from the business owner, allowing them to focus on their core services.

It’s fully customized to their specific niche and target market, ensuring high conversion rates.

The system includes a mix of automated digital marketing, strategic content creation, and personalized outreach, all managed by expert marketers.

It provides detailed analytics and regular strategy adjustments to ensure consistent results.

What Our Prospects Don’t Want to Do to Fix Their Problem:

  1. “I don’t want to become a full-time marketer. That’s not why I started this business.”
  2. “I can’t afford to hire a full-time marketing team or expensive agency.”
  3. “I don’t have time to learn complex marketing strategies or new technologies.”
  4. “I refuse to use manipulative or pushy sales tactics.”
  5. “I won’t compromise the quality of my work just to get more clients.”

Brief Conversational Soundbites About What They Don’t Want to Do:

“If I wanted to be a marketer, I would’ve started a marketing agency, not a tech business.”
“My budget’s tight as it is. I can’t justify spending thousands on an agency that might not deliver.”
“Between serving clients and running the business, I barely have time to sleep, let alone become a marketing expert.”
“I’d rather close shop than become one of those pushy salespeople I despise.”
“I won’t cut corners on my work just to underbid competitors. My reputation matters.”

Primary Transformation:

From struggling tech entrepreneur barely staying afloat to successful business owner with a steady stream of ideal clients, working fewer hours and enjoying the freedom they initially sought.

Market Specifics:

What Does the Market Hinge Their Success On?

The market believes their success hinges on finding a reliable, consistent way to attract and convert high-quality leads into paying clients. They think if they could just solve this ONE problem, everything else in their business would fall into place.

What Does the Market Have to Give Up By Giving Up Their Problem?

  • The comfort of blaming external factors for their lack of success
  • The identity of the “struggling entrepreneur” which may garner sympathy
  • The excuse to avoid networking or putting themselves out there
  • The justification for working long hours (busyness as a badge of honour)
  • The fantasy that their technical skills alone should be enough to succeed


Who Does the Market Blame for Their Problem?

  • Their former employers for not preparing them for entrepreneurship
  • The education system for not teaching practical business skills
  • Oversaturated market and cutthroat competition
  • Clients who don’t understand the value of their services
  • The rapidly changing digital landscape making marketing more complex
  • Themselves for lacking the “natural” sales and marketing abilities


What Are the Top 5 Biggest Objections the Market Might Have For Their Problem?

  1. “I’m a technical expert, not a salesperson. I shouldn’t have to do this.”
  2. “If my service was truly good enough, clients should come to me naturally.”
  3. “I don’t have the budget for effective marketing. All the good strategies seem expensive.”
  4. “Marketing feels inauthentic. I don’t want to ‘trick’ people into buying.”
  5. “I’m too busy serving my existing clients to focus on marketing for new ones.”

This Buyer Expert insight captures the essence of a technical professional turned entrepreneur who is struggling with client acquisition. They’re caught between their dream of freedom and the harsh realities of running a business, particularly in areas outside their expertise like marketing and sales. Their ideal solution would allow them to focus on their technical skills while ensuring a steady stream of clients, ultimately providing the financial stability and work-life balance they initially sought when leaving their corporate job.

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