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The Secret Language of Pre-suasion Part 1.

You may think you’re not in sales.

That’s not true.

Today we’re all in sales.

Or should I say, we’re all in service to someone else.

Selling is an old English word that means to serve.

If you work for someone – you’re serving them.


If you have your own business – you’re serving your clients and customers.


If your married –  you’re serving your partner.

In Daniel Pink’s book, “To sell is Human” he scientifically argue why you must think of your self in sales.

It’s not a matter or whether you or or are not in sales.

It only matters how good you are.

Or as the late Terry Wogan once said, “There’s only two things in life i can’t stand. One is country & Western music, and the other is not getting my own way.”

I agree.


And if you like me want to get your own way more often than not, then watch these two videos.

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The Secret Language of Pre-suasion part 2.

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