“Struggling with low-converting sales copy?

Imagine having Steve Jobs-like insights to know exactly what your customers want before they do.

Thanks to groundbreaking AI technology, now you can.”

‘Buyer Expert’ is an advanced AI research tool.

It uncovers your customers’ deepest desires, frustrations, and needs, allowing you to craft sales messages that convert.

No more guesswork — just powerful, targeted copy.

Your new sales copy comes from researching your customers’ problems, hopes and dreams.

All good copywriters tap into the pains and desires of their readers.

But they never write from their own experience, they write from their readers’ experience therefore they get results others never get.

And those results make millions for their clients.

With the AI research tool known as Buyer Expert you can get similar results.

You take the answers given in your detailed Buyer Expert report and use them as the basis for writing your sales copy.

That means you never have to waste hours or even days doing research.

Imagine your Buyer Expert report uncovers that your potential buyers are worried about the cost.

You can address this directly in your copy…

You might think copywriting is expensive, but when done right, it’s an investment.

High-converting sales copy can bring in 20 times your investment.

If you invest $2,000, you could see $40,000 in return.

What other investment offers that kind of ROI?

Why Copy Fails

“If your current copy isn’t delivering, it’s not the words but the lack of understanding of your prospects.

Buyer Expert gives you the insights you need to write high-converting copy by revealing what your customers truly think and feel.

Without this tool you won’t get the answers you need to improve your copy.

If you went and asked your prospects about their secret life, they couldn’t give you the answers you need to write great sales copy.


People hide things from themselves.

If they didn’t, they would experience constant angst.

David Ogilvy, the renowned advertising sage memorably summed up buyer research this way.

“The trouble with market research is that people don’t think how they feel, they don’t say what they think, and they don’t do what they say.”

In other words…

If you asked buyers what they think you are unlikely to uncover anything useful.

But with our advanced AI research tool you get a glimpse into their secret life.

And find out how they really think and feel with scary accuracy.

Concerned about AI?

Think of it as a powerful tool, like getting a precise health diagnosis.

It’s not about replacing humans it’s about maximising your ability to understand and serve your customers better.

You have a choice.

You can either keep shooting in the dark.

Guessing what’s really going on in your prospects mind.

And let your competitors take the money that should have been yours.

Or you can quickly surpass them with the new AI research tool.

And make the money you desire and deserve.

While having the time freedom to do more of what you enjoy.

With over 30 advanced training courses on Chat GPT and 34 years of sales copywriting experience, I’ve developed a method to leverage AI for unparalleled customer insights.

This means you get effective, targeted sales copy effortlessly.

By the way, the information to understand buying decisions and the people who make them is already online.

To find this manually you’d have to go to places like Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Amazon reviews, Reddit and the myriads of other social sites.

This could take you days or even weeks.

Buyer Expert does it in minutes, providing you with actionable data faster than any human can.

All without you lifting a finger.

It’s almost like cheating.

Like getting the exam papers weeks before the final.

You’ll know not only what your customer wants, but how she goes about it.

The Buyer Expert reveals insights into your buyers’ expectations and concerns as they decide to do business with you.

Buyer Expert Gives You The “Five Rings of Buyer Insights.”

These buying insights give you a complete Empathy Map of your buyer’s mind.

They give you all the information you need to write your new sales copy effortlessly.

You’ll also discover your buyer’s personal narrative plus the words and phrases to use so they believe you are talking directly to them.

What this allows you to do is to accurately define your ideal, aspirational customers.

You can now focus your sales message precisely to attract the customers you want while repelling those you don’t.

Think of it as building a better buyer.

A long-term loyal buyer.

Buyer Expert can do all this for you in a fraction of the time it would take you.

Yes, there are alternatives ways of finding similar information.

Earlier I said you could go on social media sites.

And if you don’t mind wasting a week or two of your valuable time then this is one route you could take.

But you may not get accurate information.

Alternatively, you could outsource your customer research.

If you were to recruit an outside agency to interview your buyers, you’d pay between $150 – $200 per interview.

And to get anything good enough to use you’ll need at least six interviews.

In addition to the agency fee, you’ll be asked to pay each person an incentive fee that ranges from $100 – $300 for a 30-minute phone interview.

At a bare minimum 6 x 150 + 6 x 100 = $1,500.00

When I first looked at pricing this, I thought $750.00 would be fair.

But then on further reflection I wanted to make this available to as many business owners as possible.

And I didn’t want price to be an issue.

Even at $300.00 it would still be affordable.

But in the end, I decided on $99.

And for that you get a complete breakdown of what your customers biggest

  • frustrations
  • pain points
  • objections
  • desires
  • and dream outcomes

so you can put together sales copy that impacts your readers to buy from you.

The way I see it is you have three options.

First Option…

You can go it alone and just put up with low conversions and a medicore living.

Struggling to survive.

Things might just get better on their own.

Second Option…

You can do the research yourself.

It’s time consuming.

Hard work.


But you can get some valuable insights in return for hours sat in front of a computer searching the social media sites.

And who knows, you might even find ideas to use in your sales copy.

That is – if you’re already good at copywriting.

Third Option…

Let me do all the hard work for you and give you accurate data you can us straight away to increase sales.

Have the time freedom to enjoy life more.

If you say yes in the next three days, I’ll give you our introductory fee of just $59.

Saving you $40.

Q: I’m not very tech-savvy. Won’t this be too complicated for me?

A: Not at all. We designed Buyer Expert with simplicity in mind. Our interface is intuitive, and we provide step-by-step guidance. Many of our “tech-challenged” users find it surprisingly easy to use.

Q: I’ve tried everything already. How is this any different?

A: We understand your frustration.
Unlike generic solutions, Buyer Expert provides insights unique to your specific audience.
Many sceptical users found this personalised approach made all the difference.

Q: How can I trust my ability to interpret the data correctly?

A: We get it – data can be overwhelming.
That’s why Buyer Expert provides clear, actionable insights in plain language.
No data science degree required!

Q: The market is so saturated. How will this help me stand out?

A: Buyer Expert goes beyond just helping you write better copy.
It reveals your customers’ deepest desires, allowing you to position your business uniquely.
Many users have discovered untapped niches in crowded markets.
Let us show you how!